2023 164


Event Details


leadership, policy & implementation



Subject Level:


Age Span:

kindergarten - grade 6
grades 7-12

Target Audience:

AT specialist
autism specialist
deaf / hard of hearing
K-12 administration
occupational therapist
physical therapist
special educator
speech language pathologist
teacher of the visually impaired
university professor / personnel
vision impairment specialist

Professional Development Credits





Presentation Length: 1 hour

Date and Time (Central Daylight Time):

  • October 13, 2023
  • 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm


Orchestra A


This session focuses on the critical role that paraeducators play in supporting students with special needs and promoting inclusive classrooms. It emphasizes the need for effective training and supervision, as federal law allows paraeducators to deliver instruction when provided with appropriate training and supervision. While one-on-one coaching has been a leading training model, the session explores how technology tools can offer a variety of training options beyond this model. Essential topics to include in paraeducator training, such as roles and responsibilities, effective classroom strategies, and assistive technology tools and supports, are highlighted. The importance of celebrating learning and giving agency to paraeducators through recognition and feedback is emphasized. Interactive discussions, sharing of best practices, and Q&A sessions provide opportunities to address specific challenges and concerns related to paraeducator training.

Learning Outcomes:

As a result of attendance in this general session activity, participants will be able to describe two training sites that can be used to train paraeducators using asynchronous learning.
As a result of attendance in this general session activity, participants will be able to design a framework to build their own Google Classroom or Edpuzzle activities.
As a result of attendance in this general session activity, participants will be able to choose appropriate materials to use with their paraeducators to train them in various special education topics relevant to their student and classroom needs.


Financial Disclosures: Sharon Redmon is a Special Education Teacher working in the K-12 public education system. She has her ATP from RESNA and consults as an Assistive Technology consultant for her private practice, CommunicATion SPAACes LLC. Sharon has presented webinars for Building Wings and the Special Education Tech Center (SETC) in Washington State and CTG Webinar series for financial compensation.
Jennifer Schubring has Financial or Non-Financial Relationships to disclose.
Relevant Financial Relationships: Green Bay Area Public Schools: Salary from Employment; Building AAC, LLC (private practice-owner) salary, consulting fee from independent contractor work, fee from speaking; Relevant Non-Financial Relationships: Member of USSAAC; Member of ASHA, WSHA; Member of NEA